13 January 2025

Reading vs Watching

It took me a minute to read this.

This video is 10 minutes long, says the same thing.

It's really made me realize that it might not be my attention span, but the way something is presented.

Because it doesn't take 10 minutes to say, by name, two cases had been denied cert at the Supreme Court.

But I sure know about the stuff those youtubers are shilling, don't I?




  1. I prefer reading to watching, which is why I turned away from Forgottenweapons.com when Ian started doing videos more than articles. I can read faster than I can watch, plus I don't need headphones

    1. Normal speech runs between 140-160 words per minute. Like you, I can read a LOT faster than that (and, of course, if there's a comprehension lag, I can just turn back/cursor up to redo from start), and share your preference for written material over spoken!

  2. I share your disgust/disdain/annoyance with YouTube jackholes who milk a 10-second story for 10 minutes of padded content.
    The self-styled gun case lawyers need to remember that people watching YouTube aren't getting them any billable hours, and cut to the gorram chase. If you haven't hit the main point within 7 seconds, I'm gone, and I'm down-voting your content.
    If they get to the point within ten seconds, and then go into details, that's different.
    Kidnapping your audience for a ten minute wander through the weeds is felony impersonation of a vlog.


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