09 January 2025

Minimum Safe Distance

The official GURPS stats for the 40x46mmSR round shows 30 yards minimum range.

Real round DO have an arming distance.  It's a bit shorter than 30 yards.

M381 HE has an arming distance of JUST 3 yards.  The later M406 arms at 15 yards.

They both do 4d-1 [2d] cr ex.

The person standing in the hex with the boom takes the listed damage.

Everyone in dice x 2 yards away can take some too.  In this case, 8 yards.

So firing at minimum range of 3 yards with an M381 can be dangerous.

But you divide the damage by 3x the distance in yards, so...  Divide by 9 at minimum range.

Maximum damage from the blast is 23.  Dividing by 9 and rounding down does 2 to our grenadier.  On average, though, just a single point will come back.

Fragmentation goes out 5x dice yards.  In this case [2d] so out to 10 yards.  The "skill" of the fragments is 15 and normal speed/range penalties are applied for distance.  Fragmentation has an effective Rcl of 3.

3 yards is -1 for range for a "skill" of 14.  On average that will give two 2d cutting hits.

That's less good than the blast with an average of 21 points done after modifiers.  That will kill the average person.

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