12 January 2025

Looty Shooty

Let's say anarchy has come to my neck of the woods.

There's looters in the streets and they're carrying torches and have lit some of the surviving structures on fire up the street.

That end of the neighborhood is 500 yards away.

Let's GURPS!

Let's start with the Savage 110 in .270.

I usually give myself a Guns/TL8 - Rifle skill of 14.

500 yards is a -14 to hit.

Not looking good...

Better take an all-out-attack (determined) +1.

Brace on the bipod +1

Aim for three seconds:  +6 for the acc of the rifle, +3 for the power of the scope and +2 for settling in.

13 or less to hit the torso.  10 for vitals, which, on average, I should should be able to hit.

Since all .270 ammo is some kind of soft or hollow point damage is 7d(0.5) pi+.

If our looter is wearing a shirt, then the (average) damage roll of 24 should get 23 to penetrate and do 69 points of damage.  Auto-death calling on line one.

It might be hard to justify popping a looter at 500 yards, though.

How about 300, like it'd be if they came from the other direction?

-13 for range, so still going to make the hit, on average.

However, I've often stated that one of the AR's is my go-to home defense and anti-looting rifle.

The M16A4 clone seems to match needs here.

Let's go with 200 yards for a -12 and a more legally defensible shot.

All out attack, +1; braced, +1, Acc +5, scope +2, 3 turns of aiming +2.

13 or less again!  I can still go for vitals.

5d pi with the ball ammo I have here.  Average roll of 17 does 51 points of damage and that will likely kill them with the 4 death rolls they've got coming.

Brenda has fewer bonuses.

All out attack, +1; braced, +1, Acc +5, scope +1, 3 turns of aiming +2.

12 or less for the torso; 9 for vitals.  Prolly miss the vitals by one and hit the torso anyways...

4d+2 pi does 16 raw on average which will do 16 to the target.  "Just" a consciousness roll.

Using the OTM rounds I have on hand changes the damage to 4d+2(0.5) pi+ and the damage that penetrates to 15 that is modified to 22.  One death roll.

One hopes to never reality check this.

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