29 January 2025


I am not following today's leg of Sick Week because I am standing by to translate for the inlaws to the tech from our ISP.

Their internet has become unreliable and I am sick of talking to the drone in India and going through her slow paced troubleshooting script.

Absolutely fed up.

And even if you tried all that before you called, you have to do it again at 1/3 speed with them on the phone.

What's the definition of insanity again?

The worst part is we've been here before with them.

It's the ONT.

The internet at my house did the exact same thing two years ago and after repeated calls they gave up and finally sent out a tech who got it fixed in about an hour.

This time I went off on the drone and told her to send the damn tech and she was, "we need to do some troubleshooting..."  To which I screamed, "NO!  We did that yesterday to get 16 hours of restored service, your tech can troubleshoot to his heart's content when they get here!"

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you have to get mad. I am fortunate that my weekly calls are to Comcast Business, where the SLA means downtime costs Comcast so one gets a better class of tech and faster response


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