05 January 2025


Two of the chimera from Technomancer aren't bipedal.

The spider person is kinda a spider centaur like the D&D drider; with the waist of the human part attaching about where the eyes are on the red-leg tarantula they're based on.  It's a *BIG* tarantula.

The snake person is more like a naga.

The artwork shows some pretty substantial back ends on both of them.

That makes me think they're heavier than they would be if they were baseline H. Sapiens.

I've been rule-of-thumbing doubling the weights for both races over normal humans.

I might have to try dusting off my pencil and paper drawing skills.

PS: Despite appearances, the spider person is a mammal.  That means the spider part has a skeleton inside and the "exoskeleton" is just skin.

PPS: Snake people are mammals too.  Warm blooded and everything.

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