15 January 2025

OMG They Hate Facts

A person that I used to be meatspace friends with and now am just a Facebook acquaintance is who posted that forced sterilization meme.

I replied to that post.


Reversing the bad law that was Roe vs Wade eliminated ALL of a woman's rights to reproduction.

I know this because they told me so.

So I listed a couple of exceptions.


A woman can rescind her coital consent after the fact and get the man charged with rape.

Despite abortions being much harder to get in some states, a man still cannot force a woman to get one; or prevent her from getting one any place it's legal.

A woman can still get an abortion legally in many states, even if they live in one where it's not legal.

If the woman decides to carry the child to term, she can still change her mind and abandon it at most any fire station with no questions asked or legal repercussions.  Even if the father is willing to take the child.

A woman who drops her child off at the fire station can do so against the wishes of the father.

A woman can demand the father pay child support for a child he does not want.  The government will enforce this demand.

A woman can demand the father pay child support for a child he does want and can prevent him from being a part of his child's life.  The government will enforce this demand.

So, I am confused here.  I see a lot of responsibility without rights here for the man.

I'm a firm believer that if you don't have any rights, you don't assume any responsibility.

Likewise, if you have all the rights, you have all of the responsibility.

Since it takes two to tango, the division of rights and responsibilities needs to be more equal.

1 comment:

  1. And a woman can be filmed beating and cutting herself and the cops will still mostly arrest the man who does have serious injuries or no injuries at all because he wasn't there to begin with.

    The system is seriously rigged against men.

    And there's no use pointing out the truth to these people. They make fanatical religious bigots look like mellow temperate people. Well, to them their beliefs are a religion.


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