03 January 2025


Today I found out that the M1956 Universal Small Arms Ammunition Pouch (2nd Pattern) is not a two-magazine pouch for 20-round 7.62 NATO mags.

It's supposed to accept THREE M14 magazines!

It's a tight fit, but you can also stuff three FAL magazines in one as well. 

 You can also get it to latch closed!

Being able to close it is handy for keeping the gunk out of your magazines.

These same pouches will hold 4 20-round M16 magazines; but you have to remember to put a first-aid dressing or a sock in the bottom to keep them accessible.



  1. I had one of those pouches on my pistol belt when I was a battery commander in
    Germany in 1983-1984. It had all my essentials: pens, pencils, grease pencil, dental floss, chewing tobacco, compass, and of course, hot sauce.

  2. Looking good. I use a passel of Easter German mag pouches I got in a smoking great deal at a gun show. The same problem though; a tight fit for that 3rd mag.

    Help me out. I have a rifle bag I haven't yet identified. I'm fairly confident it is U.S. milsurp.

    It is made of the same ODG material as your pouch shown here. It has the same style latches. There are 10 or twelve such latches running the length of the bag.

    The top quarter of the bag folds over and is secured with the same style of latch. With the top folded over the bag is still 40" or so in length. There are no markings on the bag.
    It would be great to be able to ID. The seller at the gun show did not know.

  3. I could send pics in 12 days when I return home. I've not before seen such kind of rifle bag.

  4. Hi it will also hold 30 rd mags for M-1 Carbine have one as part of my web gear

  5. Kudos on undeniably jamming three mags in there, but wasn't it designed to hold two mags oriented side-to-side, rather than three front-to-back?

    And IIRC, the SF patrol notes from 'Nam indicated that shoving a packet of rice or a battle dressing into M-16 mag pouches was always a good idea, exactly to improve rapid access.

    1. I'm not sure if they intended to make it a three magazine pouch when they removed a plastic stiffener from the front panel, but that's the effect it has.

      Until I saw a picture of three M14 magazines stuffed in there like I have my FAL mags it never occurred to me to try.

      I use field dressings to hold up the mags in my M1956 set of webbing I use for pictures occasionally.


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