29 January 2025

Parts Is Parts

Thanks to feline assistance the "?" on DerpyPuter (a System 76 Gazelle (gaze10) aka Clevo W650RZ) is no longer attached.

The little tabs on the key are broken and no longer hold onto the cradle.

Parts for this computer are a little thin on the ground, but I found a whole new (US layout) keyboard from Poland for about $30.

It will be here this month, I am assured.

I found a different company that will sell a new key and cradle for $18 shipped.

If the Polish board don't work, I will try that.

Today I removed the board and put it back in to prove the guide I'd found was correct.

It was!

I had a moment of panic because I had a spare screw at the end.

Nothing I did, one of the fan mounting screws must have been loose.  "Spare" screw returned to its hole.

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