08 January 2025

Let The Sound Take You Away

Funny New Guys stresses, despite not understanding post-MacNamara designations, the combat use of magic carpets.

A Huey can lug 12 troops over 150 miles at around 100 miles an hour.

A UZ-23 can haul 13 troops an unlimited distance, but the speed tops out at 34 miles an hour.

Something occurred to me about the situation.

What keeps you from rolling up a carpet and tossing it into the Huey?

Get near the target, but far enough away that the distinctive sound of the rotors don't give the operation away and unroll the carpet next to the bird and have everyone step aboard.

It's similar to doing a parachute drop, really.

The carpets, while slower than helicopters, are silent in operation.

It could redefine vertical envelopment.


  1. Nobody else has a area dispel magic defense? Much like the Italian Army in Ethiopia fighting against spear armed warriors had the machine guns and armored vehicles?

    A ZSU 23-4 with a detection mage could make the magic carpet an easy slow moving target.

    1. No more than a ZSU could shred a C-130 and the paratroopers.

      I don't think there's a spell on the list that would, en mass, prevent using carpets.

      Plus, despite Kennedy's spell-gap speech, the US is far ahead of the world in thaumaturgy.

      But, my idea is using the carpets prevents something the VC did many times and that was to predict the landing zone by observers listening for the helicopters and charting their path. Even better, for the US, is a carpet can put down in a much smaller spot than a Huey, giving the VC a worse chance of predicting the landing zone correctly.


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