22 November 2013


You know, since it's JFK all day today...

With all those "violent" gun owners out there...

Why hasn't someone taken the shot?

With all those TEA party people out there...

Why hasn't someone taken the shot?

With all those racists out there...

Why hasn't someone taken the shot?

Could it be that the gun owners and Tea Partiers aren't all that violent?

Could it be that racism today is not what racism was yesterday (if indeed it was that bad back then, look who we have to rely on to deliver the information).

I don't like being punished for something I did not do.

Lately it feels like someone wants to punish me for something that someone superficially like me did not do (with a subtext of "yet" and undertone of "people like THAT all want to").  Who's being prejudicial and bigoted now?

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