17 November 2013

Rolling In

Still in the A-7C on 19 December 1972 Suppression of Enemy Air Defense over North Vietnam as part of Linebacker II.

Pickle, Rockeye Mk 20.

This was my last successful mission over Vietnam.  I took a hit over Haiphong the next day and spent the rest of the war as a POW.  Bummer.

Red Storm Rising, 1979!

A-7E from VA-82 off Nimitz on 19 September 1979 for Operation Northern Sabre to defend Iceland from the Soviet invasion.

My squadron has taken out Kiev.  Lost nine planes and pilots in the process too.  The complete lack of stand-off anti-ship weaponry for the Corsair in 1979 is telling.  The navalized version of the Gecko SAM is particularly deadly.

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