12 November 2013

Statute Of Limitations

Apparently there is no such thing if someone thinks something was stolen during WW2.

OK, Poland.  You owe a shitload of Jews a shitload of land.

Proof?  Apparently I don't need any actual proof.  But there aren't any Jews living there now, so that must mean the Polish government colluded with the Nazis to have them murdered to get the land.

This crap pisses me off.

Even if it is stolen, it was stolen more than sixty years ago.  The original owner is dead, the thieves are dead.

The US has statutes of limitations for theft so this shit shouldn't fly.  The longest one for theft I've been able to find is fourteen years.  So some time in 1953 (1959 at the latest) whether it was stolen or not became moot.

Then there's the likelihood the present owner purchased the gun in good faith.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

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