17 November 2013


Saw it.

Neill Blomkamp does an excellent job of visualizing tech.  And soul crushing poverty.  The latter just by filming on location in a third world country.

It was a pretty popcorn movie.

Things that made my teeth itch...

If you're going to have things floating around inside the cabin, have the ship stop thrusting.

An open topped Stanford Torus would work, but it's also fucking stupid.

A MANPADS is your go-to weapon for shooting unauthorized ships heading towards your fragile space habitat?  Employed by a barely functional psychopath?

I want an explanation why the auto-doc was denied to the surface dwellers.  I can think if several, but I wasn't given a canon one.  Most of the ones I can think of change the ending to a very sad one as everyone loses access when the critical supplies that make the magical med devices run out.

An aside.  One of the things on the auto-doc display was "reatomization".  That got me to think of a hilariously horrific effect.  The surface dwellers are FAR sicker than a citizen of Elysium, so the computer has to do significant reconstruction.  So the mom puts her desperately sick daughter in the machine...  "accepted citizen" a bright bug zapper like flash, a smell of ozone, and the daughter is gone with the display reading, "compiling"...  After a few the machine starts putting the kid back together, clean and healed.

1 comment:

  1. Kinda brings new meaning to "Blue Screen of Death", doesn't it? I can see it spinning the hourglass for a long time with the child completely gone.. then coming up with an error box with incomprehensible gobbledy gook and an "OK?" button.

    I didn't see Elysium. The previews were cool, but had this... smell ... of "Occupy L5", if you know what I mean. Way too socialist.

    OTOH, I saw Thor yesterday and enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Some of the writing was downright surprisingly good. Those superhero movies tend (coming from comic books as they do) sound like painfully shy 15 year old nerd boys wrote them. This one had some genuine comedy in it, and genuine surprises (to me). And, as with everything in the Marvel universe, stay until the bitter end of the credits.


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