03 September 2015

Kilted To Kick Cancer

There's hardly a person who reads this blog who isn't reading someone else who's participating, donate through their team.

The same four people will rake in all of the prizes, again, anyways, so just donate to one of those four and all will be good with the world.

Me?  I'm sick of people complaining that PCF mails them letters because they donated once.

So combine no chance of winning with the complaints as if I was personally responsible for junk mail broke this camel's back.

Do donate!  It's a good cause!

You just can't donate through my "team".

It was also disheartening that only one donation last time came from someone I had not harangued personally via IM or vox.  Only got one mention from a non-participating blogger.

I didn't even get a stinking t-shirt.

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