27 June 2017

It Will Describe An Arc


  1. .22 Mag isn't the ideal self defense round, sure... but it is better than nothing... and a NAA mini revolver can be carried under circumstances where those are your choices. And even when circumstances permit carrying something that people consider acceptable or adequate or even ideal... backup is a good idea. Backup to your backup not a bad idea even.

    1. Not .22 WMR; .22 LR in an NAA mini.

    2. Well, .22LR is even less than .22WMR... but the same reasoning applies. Albeit, there is very limited size and weight savings between the .22LR only model NAA and the ones that can handle either .22LR or .22WMR just by switching cylinders.

  2. .25 ACP is going to do a better job than any of the NAA offerings, and is just as concealable.

    But there's lots and lots of .380's out there just as small and many 9mm that come close.

    If you're dressed in such a way that the only thing you can conceal is an NAA revolver... you're not wearing much.

    I understand that it's compulsive and you can't help yourself, but NAA revolvers are not good self defense guns. You can tell when you compare them to .25 ACP vest pocket autos and find the .25 exceeding every performance datum. Plus more shots, faster shots and quicker reloads. This is also assuming you're using one of the two loads that don't keyhole from the NAA at 3 yards.

    How bad are you to make .25 ACP look good?

  3. Or you could do what these "genius's" did with a Desert Eagle .50,

    1. Should have used Hero 5th Edition. That'd stop a tank round.


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