09 September 2015

Everyone Should Own One

Something I've noticed about being a Corvette owner...

People walk up and ask, "what year?"

For the most part, corvette drivers wave at each other.

For the most part, we're geezers.

There's a fair number of trophy wives.

There's a fair number of really cool wives.

Those two groups don't overlap much.

There's a contingent of the younger owners who don't participate in the community.

I drove the 2008 power tour, did the long haul.

All along the route it was, "Corvette; wave."  Your arm gets tired.

People wanted to talk to me every time I got gas.  After finding out my car is a 2008, they'd often comment they missed their Vette.  Lots of sad tales there.

Got my share of people matching speeds and doing the rev-up-challenge-you-to-a-race thing.  I know how long my dick is, so I don't need to measure it in public; but I hope you got to tell your friends how you beat that Corvette like it wasn't even trying.  I am glad I could help you feel better about yourself and the work you did to your car!

People are baffled that there's 115,000 miles on my car.

I am baffled that there's so many Corvettes with less than 5,000 miles on them.

Lots of people say, "but there's no space in 'em," who are stunned when I pop the hatch and show them how much cargo space there is.

Lots of people ask what kind of mileage I get.  33 mpg if I can just cruise at 55 mph.  28 cruising at 70.  26 cruising at 80.  Lots of people don't believe it.  It's even funnier when I mention that the Z51 package came with lower gearing, a standard coupe gets even better mileage.

Everyone should own one!


  1. The one time I ever rode with you, I was surprised at how comfortable it is.

    1. It was also the only time you've ridden with me where we didn't have to stuff you in the back because I'd installed jury-rigged junk-yard front seats that would barely support a small chihuahua.

  2. "Got my share of people matching speeds and doing the rev-up-challenge-you-to-a-race thing. I know how long my dick is, so I don't need to measure it in public; but I hope you got to tell your friends how you beat that Corvette like it wasn't even trying."

    *nod* The Z3 2.8 gets sand kicked in its face all the time by minivans and Civics with fart cans.

  3. Sounds incredibly similar to the gun culture. Especially when it comes to popular myths about how this gun does "this" well but sucks at "the other thing." And when you call their bluff and try to explain how it's just a myth... well it just isn't taken very well.


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