16 December 2017

Does No Harm

Some judge says there's no evidence that allowing transgender people to serve in the military causes any harm to the services.


What the transgender folk have to show is that allowing them to serve is a benefit to the services.

Never mind that this judge seems to be unaware of Bradley Chelsea Manning and all the trouble he she caused.

Never mind that the extended periods of time where transgender folk are undeployable.

I'm sick of these endless debates.

They're based on the near seamless integration of blacks into the military beginning in the 1950's.

One reason that the integration of black men into the military went so swimmingly well is they didn't need separate berthing, separate bathing, separate toilets, new sanitary supplies or extensive surgery and hormones to serve in the existing military.

I didn't get all bent out of shape about homosexuals being allowed to serve because they'd quietly been doing so for decades.  I'll give them extra points for serving while hiding their sexuality because it deeply embodies several core tenants of service.  Not least of which is subsuming your individuality to the needs of the service.

You know serving?

I served.  It broke me physically.  I don't regret my sacrifice.

But it was a sacrifice.

When you join you fucking give!

It's not a take deal.

If you're there to take, you didn't join for the right reasons.

And by the way, people who've never served?  You cannot understand.  Sorry, you just can't, so your opinion is suspect even if it's in accord with ours.

I would also like to remind everyone out there that there is no right to serve.  None whatsoever.

1 comment:

  1. There is a high correlation between being "transgender" and having severe mental problems, including many that would disqualify anybody for service. Not to mention, the "transition" involves a lot of complex surgery and hormone treatment, which is a burden on the service.


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