19 December 2017

It's Societal Not Racial

It's also not a racist society.

What idiots have defined as "white privilege" is not actually the privilege of being white.

It's the in-built advantage of being a member of the dominant society at large.

Wanna check this?

Go to Zimbabwe and let me know how much privilege you get from being white.

What should we call this "privilege" in Japan?

I am friends with many non-white folks who're more successful than I am.  They joined American culture and it's a rewarding thing to do.

Notice the dichotomy between a reservation Indian and an Indian who lives next door.  I'm not the first to notice this one.

What the "white privilege" people are really bitching about is they're not getting the benefits of membership while they stand apart from the society which generates those benefits.

Refusing to abide by a society's norms has never been a solid plan for success.

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