23 December 2017

Show Me The Successes

Show me the successes from no compromise.

Name the laws.

Come on.

Surely there must be one.

Before you go insulting someone's intelligence, you should be able to show your methodology actually accomplishes something.

Before you panic and shoot down a bill you should actually read it.  Then look around for similar language in other law.  Then see if there's any jurisprudence about that language.

I'm not going ask if you had done that because I can tell that you didn't.

You freaked out because a formerly decent pro-gun group that's under new management from when it earned that respect freaked out because some prominent anti-gun senators were OK with the fix-NICS rider to national reciprocity.

You didn't check the language against other laws and jurisprudence to see how the twisting you think might happen, maybe, possibly... would screw up other laws they also like.  Essentially they can't twist the pro-gun portion without messing up their beloved welfare state.  DID YOU CHECK THAT?

Wait, no, you didn't.

Some of the other twists, suggested only by "our" side that can (maybe, possibly) happen at the state level are court victories for our side waiting to happen.  Just need to build on Heller and MacDonald for that.

Passing CCW Reciprocity would have been a net good for our side.  Fix NICS did not contain any new badness.

Again, name the no compromise, net good to gun rights, bill that passed either chamber of Congress since 1986.  Notice I lowered the bar for you?

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, it's not about winning with the purists. It's virtue signaling, plain and simple.


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