31 December 2017

I'll Give You An Absolute

No person should be in fear for their life in a place they have a right to be.

Most especially they should not fear for their life from the government or its agents in such a place.

It's time to bring back the idea of no warrant, no entry.

Probable cause should be how you get a warrant, not an excuse to why you broke down the door.

The standard for a cop shooting someone should be higher than a citizen.  What's the training for, if not to be able to meet a higher standard?

1 comment:

  1. i was a cop back in the 80's and the shit i see them get away with now would have had me in prison. we were taught to not even pull our gun until we not only saw a perp with a gun but a clear intent to use it. in other words, they had to fire on us or say something like 'i'm gonna kill you' before we could engage. i saw a judge ask a trooper that had been fired on why didn't he just back the car out of range. that's how bad it was back then. now all they have to do is say they were scared. i don't even know how they live with themselves.


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