22 December 2017

No Sense Of Tradition

The University of New South Wales says that laser induced hydrogen-boron fusion is just 30-50 years away.

Don't they know that fusion is 20 years away?

They can't of have missed that while learning about physics because I learned that fusion was 20 years away in 1985.

Marv remembers learning that fusion was 20 years away in the mid-70's.

Fusion is 20 years away!

It's not 30.  It's not 50.


Get with the program, guys.


"Can't of" is a midwestern double contraction for cannot have which properly should be spelled "can't've" but is said "can't of".  It's the influence of all the somthingsons who permeate the area.


  1. Grammar Nazi: "They can't HAVE missed that ..."


    1. It's an Iowaism. Can't've is the real spelling.


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