28 December 2017

More Traditional

Aalborg's taffel akvavit is way more traditional than Linie's aquavit.

Aalborg is Danish.  Linie is Norwegian.

It's very tasty!

I'd like to try Aalborg's jubilaeums aquavit now!


  1. Jubileaums is not half bad. The Aalborg stuff in the green bottle is awful. If you can find Brennivin from Iceland, grab some.

    1. The Taffel is in a greenish brown bottle. It's basic akvavit.

      Florida has awful laws for getting stuff down here.

      If I'd but known, when I lived in Iowa I was surrounded by Akvavit drinkers and several local distilleries in addition to the international brands.

      One store carries Linie. Total Wine carries Linie and Aalborg Taffel. It's rumored that Jubilaeums is around here somewhere.

      We just don't have enough Scandanavians and Finns around here.

    2. There's an epic good one out of Wisconsin which is heavy on the dill I really liked.

  2. Replies
    1. I am not sure which I prefer. Linie is so different because it's aged. Most of the time akvavit isn't aged...


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