12 December 2017

It Was A Bomb

While I am positive that our truth seeking free press will eventually discover the ATF Form 1 for a destructive device; I feel compelled to mention:

It was a bomb.

It was not a gun.

By definition gun control had either no effect or its desired effect.

No effect if he was going to use a bomb no matter what.

Desired effect if he wanted to use a gun, but was forced to use a bomb for a lack of firearms.

Thus, increased gun control is pointless here so you can stop suggesting it.

1 comment:

  1. Bombs are not that hard to make. Any half-assed high school chemistry student can whip up black gunpowder, and fuses are easy to get. If you want to get more complicated, the chances increase for what the British security forces in Northern Ireland called an "own goal," (being blown up by your own bomb) but a skillful person can do it fairly safely. Unlike guns, you can plant them and get away before the excitement happens, too. If that guy in Orlando had gone in early on, unobtrusively placed half a dozen bombs around the place with chemical fuses set to set them off about half an hour later, and unassed the joint, he might have got away with it clean.


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