28 August 2013

Fucking Morons

I am an atheist.

I have several atheist friends who are some of the smartest people I know.

We're all being slandered by the actions of idiots like this.

You fucking morons!  The cross shaped hole in that beam is from someone making a memorial icon.  The part that is not present in that photo is the icon, not the remaining material.  Removing that cross from the beam did not make the beam a religious icon in any way and to say so means you have no fucking clue whatsoever what an icon is.

You've especially got no clue about symbology.  A cross as it relates to death in the USA doesn't mean Christian, it just means a memorial to the dead.

Once again I am watching fools defining something on their own and declaring their definition to be the meaning.  Because symbols are mutable they can mean something quite different to different people.  Intent comes into play.  Especially since the meaning the symbol has can be gained at a later time.  Hindu swastikas anyone?

In a memorial, who is being honored?  The dead?  God?  The wino who lost his favorite patch of park to the memorial's location?

Did you even think to ask?

I was going to ask if you had something better to do, but clearly you don't have anything resembling a productive life and exist only as a parasite on the labors of your betters.

You guys are just attention whores who are worried that nobody cares about how you don't worship God.  Guys, your worries are over!  Nobody cares that you don't worship God.  Now, go back to wherever you came from and look deep into your navels and realize that religion is a deeply personal and private decision and very few practices matter to anyone outside a particular sect.  What that means is your decision to not worship anything, regardless of how you came to it, is essentially irrelevant to everyone else.

Rule 1, don't be a dick.


  1. "I have several atheist friends who are some of the smartest people I know."

    Me too. Unfortunately though, quite a few atheists are every bit as dogmatic as any religious zealot, and they are gaining influence in the skeptic community.

  2. Thag, you're an atheist and you & I are cool. But in general, give me an agnostic any day, because so many atheists have made a religion out of "There is no god and you'd better not worship one."

    1. INFIDEL! HERETIC! You shall be cast into... uh... um...

      Insert empty threat concerning an appropriate afterlife (if any) here.



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