03 November 2014

Missing Out

One of the things that sucks most about misophonia is not being able to listen to podcasts.

Because it's amateur radio hour, there's a lot of background noise to filter past.

Like whoever's playing with what sounds like a zip-tie the entire Squirrel Report... (It's probably a scroll wheel too close to the mic).

I can't listen to the talking because of the ziiiiiiiip, ziiiiiiiip, ziiiiiiiiip.  I hate it because it's clear that there's stuff I want to listen to and it sucks that I can't.

Heavy breathing and lip smacking noises are a close second and they show up in professional broadcasts too.

There's nothing to be done about it, just needed to vent.

1 comment:

  1. I blame Jay, he's always working the chatroom while the show is going on, and he hasn't learned to use his cough button.

    Or it could be me. To keep from talking over everybody as I'm a dumbass chatter box, I'm constantly playing a game of Minesweeper as a way to burn off nervous energy.


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