20 May 2014

Shame! Redacted.

Be ashamed!

Hide what you are!

Don't go out in public where people can see you for what you are!

This is your proper place!

You don't deserve more or better!

Slink in the shadows where you will not cause alarm to anyone.

Dress normally.  Marry appropriately.  Sit in the back of the bus.  Eat in the designated area.  Get on the train.

You never did believe that it was a right, did you?

Liberty has warts you fools.  If you can't accept the warts, you don't deserve the freedom.

Or make an ass of myself.  It comes so naturally it's astounding.


  1. There is a whole swath of people I interact with as little as possible because any disagreement is a trigger for jihad.

    1. I hope I am not ululating too much for you here.

  2. Hey, don't mind me; my fool ass is just over here undeserving freedom, marrying appropriately, and climbing in the cattle car.

    Dude, have you noticed that you've got two settings? Confrontational purity-testing drama queen, and post-deleting, sorry-for-yourself-feeling, why-won't-nobody-talk-to-me?ing.

    Now, I'm doing you the favor here of addressing you like I would a friend. I realize it will probably result in being purged from your sidebar, but get a grip on yourself before going full Godwin.

    You said "sit in the back of the bus". If that were an accurate analogy, these bozos would have worn pistols, rather than do something which they KNEW posed no legal risk.

    1. You've nailed me. And that's an honest admission. Now that it's pointed out, damn. Damn damn damn.

      I do suck at this. I don't end up saying what I thought I'd be saying far too often and can't shut up.

      You're going to stay on the sidebar, you didn't attack me here or in an email. It seems like criticism. Like you see that I could do better if I just unfucked myself. That's kind of a compliment.

  3. Good. It honestly wasn't meant as an attack. You could sit at my D&D table any time, as long as you understand that I'm all "THAC0 4EVA!" ;)


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