29 March 2018

Reading Is Fundamental

Corresponding with the offices of my state representative I am struck with something.

I read the bill and clearly they did not.

They're quoting from the abstract or the press release and not from the text.

I've also noticed, lately, that it's very common for pro-gun blogs to activate the panic button and scream about a bill... only to find that the bill in question doesn't contain any language that does what they said to panic about.

It's to the point now that I've stopped reading a couple of blogs because what they're doing is misinforming rather informing with their posts.  I've enough to keep track of, thanks.

Those misinformative blog posts are among the reasons we don't have national reciprocity today.

Note to those misinformative folks, we got Fix-NICS anyway.  Congratulations!

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