17 March 2018

Illegal Search And Seizure

I've harped on this before, but let's go again.

People who want to ban guns are full of arguments, and since there's so much case law defending the 1st Amendment, it's difficult to make comparisons with the 2nd Amendment because there's a dearth of case law. Though all but one Supreme Court ruling on the 2nd is decisively "standard model".

Let's talk about another oft abused amendment that's also part of the Bill of Rights.

The fourth.

Let's apply some reasonable and common sense restriction to 4th Amendment rights, which would make law enforcement's job easier, and see if you would like to live under such limits.

You cannot be secure in your person, house, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures until you are 21.

You must wait 5 days before preventing a law enforcement officer from performing a warrantless search of your home and seizure of your papers and effects; unless you've obtained a home privacy permit or passed a homeowner's safety class.

That sure would make it easier for the cops to bust people, wouldn't it?

Why don't you back that?

I'd also like to point out that the little ex parte protective orders portion of Florida's new law is a blatant 4th Amendment violation. A judge so orders isn't due process.

1 comment:

  1. A great argument for the sidelines, but sadly it's a strawman .

    Look at the pukes marching in Florida , before they started sucking on the teat of Daddy Bloomberg and the DNC they were the ones calling for "safe spaces" "trigger warnings" and an ever-escalating definition of hate speech.

    Of course they want to ban guns ,not just "assault weapons" but all guns . We know this because they told us so.

    If they ever get their ban don't you think they will want our homes searched to make sure we are in full compliance?

    Same with their feelings on medical records . Talk to a doctor about feeling down at a bad time in your life, or finally seeing a therapist to work out some childhood stuff, they want that public knowledge and used as a declaration that you are a substandard citizen .

    The average person in the wings doesn't believe this, so your analogy is sound, but the key players in this don't believe in individual rights of any kind , we are all wards of the state in their eyes and they all personally believe they will become the wardens .

    We know from history that this isn't the case, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous .


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