13 March 2018

Dear Gun Rights Advocates

It's a shame that it's come to this:

When you go off on a tear about what a law is going to do, would you be so kind as to quote the section of the bill?

Otherwise you sound like a loon when someone actually reads the damn thing and finds no passage pertaining to the thing you're panicking about.

My favorite by far has been how parking tickets will be making you a prohibited person if fix-NICS is passed.

Dearie, if you've unpaid parking tickets you're already a prohibited person.  Fix-NICS just means you're going to be caught now.

It didn't create a new class of prohibited people, it just created an incentive for State A to mention the bench warrant for unpaid tickets so that State B knows and won't sell a gun to this fugitive.

It's been repeated over and over now by more than one source that Fix-NICS is gun registration.

How?  Show me the text of the bill that causes this or shut the fuck up about it.


If it's there, I want to see it so I can complain to my congress creatures.  If it's not there, I don't want to look like a moron complaining about something that isn't so!

Sadly I think a lot of this falls under a failure to do ones own research.  Taking Gun Owners of America's fund-raising emails (for example) at face value has proven, to me, to be a bad plan.

Screaming that a bill contains something that it doesn't means that I can't trust your opinion, don't it?


  1. Dear Gun Rights Advocates:

    Let me tell you how bad you it is...I agree with McThag.

    That is some scary crap right there.


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