02 March 2018

Rumors And Supposition

A rumor hear on Arfcom...

The reason that there wasn't a vote for SB 7026 yesterday is Democrats don't want to arm the teachers and Republicans don't want the purchase age raised to 21.


Impasse is gridlock, gridlock is status quo.

They keep this up for a week and we're free for another year, with an election in between to sling the barbs and arrows of votes at the quislings.


  1. The Dems have piled till this morning the amount of 85 amendments to the bill. I don't see the bill up for discussion today, so that makes it at least for Monday. That is 5 days till end of legislative season and I hope more amendments are tacked to it by then.

    1. Four including tomorrow because the house's deadline is the 7th for new business from the senate.

  2. I have this hare-brained theory that the Dems are deliberately killing the bill by adding so much crap to it that it couldn't even be read out loud, let alone pass a vote. Then they go back to the brain-dead base voters (but I repeat myself) and say, "we tried to get gun control but those Evil Republicans blocked us".

    At some point, we need to figure out what pro-gun bills they killed off this way.


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