I got a little tripod so I'm experimenting with taking super-macro pics.
Using a pocket computer, that is also a phone, to take a picture of my camera... The future is amazing! |
The subject is a 5 round clip of 7.62x54mmR ammo.
The mode I normally use (Program). f/2.7, ISO 80, 6.0mm focal length, shutter 1/6 sec. |
Manual mode. f/2.7, ISO 80, 6.0mm focal length, shutter 1/4 sec. |
Color accent mode. f/2.7, ISO 250, 6.0mm focal length, shutter 1/20 sec. |
Program mode set to black and white. f/2.7, ISO 80, 6.0mm focal length, shutter 1/5 sec. |
Program mode set to sepia. f/2.7, ISO 80, 6.0mm focal length, shutter 1/5 sec. |
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