15 March 2024


Wu Ping Cough is something making a lot of people go, "they were lying to me, right to my face!"

As time passes, we're seeing that the conspiracy theorists and cranks were correct and that the lock-step march of government, media and government funded science was, not wrong, but lying about being right.

I don't recall seeing it mentioned, but there's a lot of correlation between how government and media treat gun control and climate crisis to how they handled Wu Ping Cough.

I'd start doubting the Earth was round if I couldn't confirm it with my own measurements.

You should too!

1 comment:

  1. At the time COVID first hit the scene, I found that there were two kinds of people in my world - those who panicked about it, and swallowed everything negative they heard, and the others, who looked at the numbers from the Diamond Princess "Plague Ship" and thought "Meh".


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