18 March 2024

Why Nothing Changes

It's an epiphany of sorts.

Ever notice that every single fucking homeowners association is the same?

Run by the same person with eager helpers and they all come to the same conclusions as every other HOA?

And despite only being a tiny minority of the homeowners, they get their way and the rest of the people have to heed to their demands?

Why is this?

Because to effect change, the homeowners as a whole have to make time to actually attend, vote and take control back from the Karens.

It's actual work.

Normal people don't want a second (perhaps third) job keeping Karen at bay.  For the most part they have better things to do.

But how does Karen keep taking control?

For them, it is NOT work.  It's a hobby.  It's a leisure activity.  It's fun!

They don't have anything better to do because this is what they WANT to do.


Scale that up to the county level.  State.  Federal.

This is why one side thinks that violence is a rheostat and the other thinks it's a switch.

Karen always pushes it too far and gets kicked out... for a while.

They just wait until we decide we want more time to do things we prefer to do and think we're going to get left alone this time.

We're always wrong.


  1. HOAs can be useful, but I'm glad I don't live where there is one.

  2. Much worse but the same is any MILITARY type club like the DAV ' or LEGION and many of the various lodge groups. HECK we were doing a million dollars a year in sales and with in two years the parasites got our charter revoked.


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