15 March 2024


Looks like we're going to have a third world Hellhole on both borders soon.

Toronto cops say to leave car keys where the crooks can readily access them.

Yet another entry in the list of "why you never give up your arms."

Did you know that dead perps have a 0% recidivism rate?

I suspect that's a lesson that's going to get taught again soon as more and more police forces effectively give up trying to do anything.

It will be interesting to see "defund the police" coming from "fuck it I'll do this my self." people.

I mean, they have no duty to come help, and they aren't helping...  Why keep them on the payroll?

Especially since what they do manage to do is effectively nada when the DA undercharges or doesn't file on the criminal who is free to return to crimining faster than the insurance company can pay you 38% of the value of the thing stolen.

But no cops at all means criminal will get dead stealing sooner rather than later because the person they're stealing from knows they won't get in trouble for owning the gun and shooting the thief.

Shooting thieves should be legal.

"Property isn't worth someone's life," should be a stark warning.

It's not worth dying over, so don't steal it!

I despise the notion that someone else has decided that my property isn't worth defending because they value it so low as to make it illegal to do so.


I am not the only one thinking along these lines...

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