06 March 2024

Isn't It Ironic

Humans had been on North America for about 11,000 years and not reached past the stone age, barely domesticating dogs.

The Native American culture so worshipped by the liberals only exists because the Spanish, both intentionally and accidentally, released horses into the wild.

The plains Indian only exists in the historical form because of the act of the colonizing White man.

And they chucked, entire, whatever they were using for culture for their new, mobile, horse-based one as fast as they could accumulate and tame breeding stock.

Horses were currency and wealth.

And they wouldn't have them except for the White man.

It's like a black fly in my chardonnay.


  1. Just last night I was remembering how using only my God given knowledge I would track various animals.
    That led to thinking of shoed and unshoed horses. That led to the reason for shoes in the first place.

    Then recalling how indians neither shoed or used saddles and horses, while valued by the indian, were perceived as expendable, not worth the care. Just go get another by hook or crook.

    Side note: indians, in general, are fantastic riders. Go watch an indian rodeo to see.

    So, even after the white man cometh, the indian did not use the wheel, nor treat the horse with any real care. In contrast, paradoxically, the Navajo in particular, are extremely intelligent.
    My point is that the lack of technology and brutish care of animals which are even perceived as valuable, is characteristic of savagery.


  2. Isn't it funny how libtards claim to be the only ones who are educated and "enlightened"... yet so many of them are either ignorant of history or worse, intentionally perpetuating myths in order to advance their own political agenda. But you know all of those "deplorables" are just 3 toothed hillbillies from "flyover states".

    The problem with our education system is liberals have turned it into indoctrination and a tool to protect their power base. Teaching conformity to their system and their Maoist/Stalinish beliefs is more important than teaching the truth of history which is often ugly in ways that are inconvenient for them. The truth is ugly enough on it's own, it doesn't need to be twisted to be self-loathing for Europeans. More important than teaching basic reading, writing, math and science in many cases. Spending money on eductaton is often more about building the power base of the elite and cushy jobs for snobby "intellectuals" who often couldn't survive in the real world otherwise. It doesn't really cost much to teach the basics. You don't need gold plated fixtures in the administrative buildings, fancy statues or expensive textbooks (payola to other ivory tower folks) in today's world in order for kids to learn to read. What you do need is parents that are committed to their children's success and not just viewing schools as free daycare.

    Did the Native Americans get a raw deal in a lot of areas? Undenable. But it wasn't as simple or cut and dried as some would have you believe. I always find it interesting when McThag points out where the historical revisionists are doing truth an injustice.

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