31 March 2024

Then I WIll Think Of Them No More

It's interesting that I can insult someone and say directly that they are engaged in inbreeding and all that matters to them is if I have a job.

Well, if they could read (and they've shown no ability to do so) they've have long since noticed that my job is to be a husband and father.

We're a single income family, as was traditional for decades.

Where we break tradition is Harvey is the breadwinner.

If they could read, they'd find that we are servicing our student loans.

We don't think it's fair that we're being burdened with them because our situation resembles being a victim of fraud far more than the typical mooch depicted in student loan forgiveness.

The school we attended was dissolved for committing fraud.

My degree (bachelors in business admin) became useless the moment that happened.  Harvey got lucky that she'd gotten some experience before the gavel fell, but her MBA is not worth as much as it should have been.

The people who committed the fraud went around the country buying up small, for profit, schools with good reputations.  They then changed the accreditation the schools were using so that students wouldn't be able to transfer their credits to a different school, or even use their undergraduate degree to enter graduate studies, without extreme difficulty.

The schools were consolidated into ever larger companies and accreditation was changed at each consolidation.

Many of us were quite close to graduating when the investigations began.

Many of us graduated before they were concluded.

Few of us noticed that the solid college we'd entered had been so devalued until the job search began.

Complicit in this fraud is the US Department of Education.  You know, the people who are supposed to regulate the education system?

They approved every sale, every merger, every consolidation, every accrediting body.

Thanks for nothing, guys!

We think we're allowed to be unhappy with the situation.  It's not the bill of goods we're paying for.

1 comment:

  1. I can really, honestly feel for you and Harvey. Unfortunately, ignorant people conflate you with the idiots who went miles into debt to get degrees in grievance studies or underwater basket-weaving, and now expect the rest of us to shoulder their burden. Myself, I'd love to make the colleges who sold those degrees eat those loans, but nobody else seems to be interested in that idea.


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