04 March 2024

So You Don't Have To

I watched a couple of videos in the "what happened to (insert reality car show)?" genre.

You will not have to watch them because I will reveal what happened in a short sentence.

The stopped focusing on the car stuff and focused more on the interpersonal conflicts in the shop until the people in the shop said "fuck this shit" and left.

There.  Now you're all up to speed.

Never mind that for a lot of hot rodders the shows were offensive.

"Car spinning" is the same thing as "house flipping."

Buying something, fixing it up a bit and selling it for more than you paid.

If that was how the show was sold, then it wouldn't have offended.

The weekly pitch always starts with "what a cool car, I want it!" then, "Let's fix MY car up and it will be even cooler!" and finally, "I have a buyer, I'm selling it."

You had a buyer from before you spotted the cool car and an agreement to fix it up for them.

This pattern repeated week after week and most of the hobbyists were long gone before the change in format to all-drama-all-the-time.

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