12 March 2024

Play Dead Games

Sick of being lectured and shamed because of your race and gender?

Tired of sending people who hate you because of your race and gender money?

Play role playing games that are out of print or have been effectively abandoned by their publishers.

If you have even a little imagination, all of those old games still work just fine.

You don't need the newer edition.


Even better, you're probably going to be buying the books from someone who can't play anymore and could use the bucks.


  1. Wizards of the Coast can go F themselves. I'll never give them a penny. If I were to play D&D again, it would be the first Edition AD&D. Warts and all. That's what I started out with, that's what I'll die with. And I'm sure that those F-tards quoted in the article hate me for it. Good. Let them choke on their own hate.

  2. Hate to point out to the Wizard dude that Dark Elves are based upon Scandinavian Dokkalfar, literally Dark Elf, vs the regular or Lljosalfar, or Light Elf.

    Some sources say the Dark Elves live underground and do mining, which may suggest the darkness is caused by all the mining dirt and dust and such and not a reflection of their dark hearts.

    Oh, wait, that's right, Scandinavians are POC now according to Nutflix... Or they're POCs worst white nightmare. Or both or something.


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