I hearby challenge President Donald J Trump to a duel!
Between whatever 150/40/5 point GURPS 4e character he dares bring to the table and a character of my own creation of the same points!
Winner gets to brag about it. If I win I'm framing his character sheet and hanging it on my wall!
I will supply dice, snacks and beer.
Our seconds can decide the TL and weapons allowed to the characters. They will also decide if dropping all 150 points into a single skill is allowed.
I'd argue against it, a well rounded and complete character will make for a more interesting game.
I'd say it was a duel to the death, but I doubt there's any physical risk past a paper cut and an imaginary character really isn't alive so it can't die. Also, The US Secret Service gets REALLY touchy about even joking about killing the president.
I'm not even threatening him.
Though it might be hilarious to see what the Secret Service does about having the president visit the home of a gun owner to play a couple hours of GURPS. Prolly insist we meet someplace a bit easier to secure.
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