21 March 2025

Rare Pic

 Check out that grenade launcher on the left port side!

That's a Mk 20 Mod 0 40mm automatic grenade launcher.  It fires normal 40x46mm grenades. 

It's not often pictured, they didn't make very many.

It's hard to tell, but that's actually a color picture.

L->R Mk20 Mod0, 2x M16A1, M79, 4x S&W Model 15-2, 3x M16A1, M60C and the muzzle of an M60 blurry in the foreground.


  1. Do you have information on the boat? From the gauges it's probably twin engine and the stubby bow means it's not a PBR.

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strike_Assault_Boat


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