17 March 2025

Positive Note

Got a couple pieces of good news from my doc at the VA.

First, for the first time ever, I lost some weight!  Just five pounds from last year, but it's not a ten pound increase like it's been for the past five.  At this rate I will get to my target weight just in time to die of old age.

Second, he's referring me to the neuro people to confirm the neuropathy diagnosis I'd gotten after my bone scan five years ago.  If they confirm it, then it will go a long ways towards increasing my disability percentage.

My cholesterol is par for the course for my family.  Higher than they like, but without any of the things that it's normally a precursor to.  McThags don't have heart problems as long as we avoid diabetes (and my A1C is perfect!).  We have cancer, liver and dementia killing us.

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