In 1984 or 1985 the motorcycle gang club my dad was a member of decided to do a winter road trip to Mexico.
We started in Minneapolis.
If you rode the whole way, you got a special patch!
Since I already had all the winter gear from riding three-wheelers in the snow, I opted to ride the whole way.
I, foolishly, left my patch jacket with my dad when I moved back to Iowa.
However, this story is not about that!
This is 500 bikers descending on Mexico in January for three weeks.
Actually, it's not a story.
It's mentioning that I climbed the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan.
That is no longer allowed.
I can understand why.
Still, it's neat to be able to say I did something like that.
It also occurs to me that seeing both the Teotihuacan site and several Egyptian pyramids (though from a distance) makes me a bit unusual.
The trip to Egypt was taxpayer funded and the whole battalion got to go play in the desert with our tanks. The exercise was cancelled because of a terrorist threat, so it was really camping in the desert with tanks rather than a real joint exercise.
The ride on the ship across the Med was fun.
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