The Beast is not getting smaller as she ages. I started washing at about 4:30 pm and am just getting done waxing at 8:00pm. The pic is from before I started waxing.
I took a few breaks, had dinner and helped the neighbors hang a blind in there too.
I don't wax her every wash. McGuire's TechWax2 is pretty resilient stuff, I get 6 months easy before it stops beading.
Adam's Wheel and Polish's Wheel and Tire Cleaner is the shit! Spray it on the rims and brake caliper, let it sit for a minute and hit it with some high pressure water and VIOLA! them rims and calipers be CLEAN! Best wheel cleaner I've ever used. Thanks to Marv for finding and trying it out.
Now I am ready to leave in the wee hours for the Daytona Totally-Not-Spring-Fling-Because-That's-Trademarked-By-Somebody-Else Turkey Rod Run Spring Car Show!
We still call it the Spring Fling and have to remember Turkey Rod Run to find the show information...
I have not gone to this show in 10 years. Last time I took The Precious. The Biscayne SS went several times too.
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