15 March 2025

We Have Been Ordered By The Court To Say

I noticed at the local tobaccanist there's a sign that says that "RJR Tobacco has been ordered to display this sign stating that smoking is harmful to your health by court order wherever our products are sold."

The phrasing of that really makes me think.

They're not saying their products cause harm.  They're saying they've been ordered to say it.

It's like when your parents told you say thank you for the slipper socks from your aunt.

It's like then the coach tells you to say you're sorry and shake hands.

You don't mean it, but you have to say it.

Now, I am not saying that smoking is good for you.

I will go out on a limb and point out that neither side is being completely honest and that every single study on tobacco use was paid for by one side or the other and the results are suspect because of the "he who pays the piper calls the tune" bias.

Round-Up herbicide is the same sort of thing.  Convincing a jury to pay out is not the same thing as the plaintiff's claims being actually true.  There's a part of me that still believes that if it were truly harmful that after losing that case, the regulatory agency in charge of it would be forcing them to pull it off the market.

1 comment:

  1. Anything with fine particles can cause cancer if said fine particles are inhaled.

    In Roman Times... Bakers' Lung, basically the flour version of black lung, was the major cause of death of bakers and the reason why most bakers used slaves.

    Coal miners have black lung.

    Farmers get dirt lung.

    Woodworkers can get sawdust lung.

    Old-School factory workers also suffered from hot dust lung.

    All of these can cause lung cancer.

    Anything that's really fine and will lodge in the lungs, especially if hot, can cause lung cancer.

    Pot smokers are also subject to lung cancer.

    Old, badly ventilated houses (before decent fireplaces/stoves and chimneys were invented) could also cause lung cancer from all the wood smoke. Something they always forget about in all those historical romances.


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