16 March 2025

Second Attempt

There's rumors flying that Neill Blomkamp is going to make a new Starship Troopers movie.

Further, the rumors state that he's going to stick to the book.

That's better than the previous attempt by Paul Verhoeven, if true.

Not sure how well the book can be translated to film, but I've seen a Japanese anime that did a better job than Paul "Everything Military Is Nazis" Verhoeven.

I've ranted continuously that if you're going to license a property, then DO that property.

We've got a few great examples that show that it's a good plan.

The Hunt for Miss Red October.  <- This one stands out because other adaptations of the Clancyverse failed to adhere to the books and didn't do near so well at the box office.

The Lord of the Rings.

Harry Potter.



Stick to the source material and the fans who've been keeping the books in the best seller rack since... a long fucking time ago will plant their asses in the seats with popcorn.

Notice that the fans will forgive some departure from the text because they understand the differences between the mediums.  But you have to hew close to the source!


  1. Heinlein also wrote one called Starman Jones. That would make a great movie if they followed the book.

  2. I want, so want, to see Starship Troopers done right. Hive-like Bugs of multiple castes, with warriors that carry weapons. Skinnies. Mobile Infantry.

    On the Bounce!

  3. If anything, the first Godfather movie improved on the book in some ways---they cut out a lot of extraneous subplots. About the only way I can think of to make it better would be to replace James Caan as Sonny Corleone with Sylvester Stallone. Stallone IS Italian, and looks a lot like the descriptions of Sonny in the books. But this was a few years before Stallone made it big. I'm not saying James Caan didn't do a great job, but he doesn't look at all Sicilian to me.


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