18 March 2025

Not Cool

One nice thing about having never been cool is that I'm never going to try to get it back.

I feel left out of the cool kids things from time to time, but it's better to have never been cool than it is to have once been.

Bonus, there's no urge to change to remain cool or cutting edge.

I don't have to jump to the next big thing just to stay where I am.

I'm looking at a couple of bloggers who're clearly broken by Trump 47 in a way they never were by any previous president.  They say they aren't, but didn't feel the need to justify their actions when they were doing then what they are doing now...  Even though now is much more pointed, harsh and frequent than then.

I will even cop to agreeing with several of their points!

I can't put my finger on, exactly, what reads different now, but it is different.

It might just be that it's no longer cool do be doing their schtick with the current Ocupante de la Casa Blanca.

1 comment:

  1. It's always easier to be a rebel when your faction is out of power. Punk thrived in the Reagan era and fizzled in the Obama era, and Rage Against the Machine and Henry Rollins became statist bootlickers under Biden. Being a Republican was edgy when Democrats are in power, now it's mainstream.
    I agree that never being "cool" also means never being a has been.


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