06 March 2018

Writing Against HB 7101

Gun control has failed and is failing to prevent murder sprees.

Florida has had three such sprees in recent times and all three have something in common.

They happened where the victims are barred, by law, from possessing a firearm.

Disarmed by legislators such as yourself.

Prohibited from having a means to defend themselves while the police, very safe in their cordon, wait until the shooting has stopped before entering the scene of the crime.  Safe in the knowledge that they're not legally mandated to do anything at all and are completely immune from the consequences of their actions or inaction.

So we're not allowed to defend ourselves and nobody is required to defend us under current law.

Does HB7101 alleviate this?


It's the same useless pablum that the gun-control lobby pitches every time an atrocity happens.  They fling their Jell-O at the wall and see what sticks.

The senate version is bad enough, but now I'm seeing what the house is trying to amend to this pile of burning garbage.

Existing law could have stopped the murderer before he bought the rifle he used.  Corruption and collusion between the Broward County District Schools and The Broward County Sheriff's Office are why he was never arrested, never tried and never convicted.

If you want to stop these things from happening again there's two things that would help immensely.

First a means of prosecuting and punishing public officials for gross dereliction of duty needs to be imposed.

Second, it's counter-intuitive but effective, simply eliminate gun-free zones.

Bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns shooting back.  Bad guys bent on a blaze of glory don't attack places where their ride to fame will be stopped before it ever gets going.

Eliminating the gun-free zone not only provides a ready supply of people who will shoot back to save lives, it also makes it impossible for a would be murderer from knowing whom is armed and who isn't.  That uncertainty does prevent spree shooters from murdering people in other places already.  When was the last time where a spree murderer attacked a place where the victims were allowed to have guns?

I can't remember one.  Can you?

If you must do SOMETHING, then do something that will actually help the problems that caused this, don't punish the innocent and harmless.  Millions of us did nothing wrong, why should we be held accountable when your fellow legislators did more to create this than we did?

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