06 March 2018

What If

The Kbk wz.88 'Tantal' entered service with the Polish Army in 1988.

In the Prime timeline, Poland joined NATO in 1999, but was heading that direction before they got full membership.

The Kbk wz.96 'Beryl' is an upgraded Tantal chambered in 5.56 NATO and it enters service in 1997.

But the development had begun as far back as 1991.

It occurs to me that in the T2K timeline, where the Soviet Union never disintegrated and the Warsaw Pact was intact until 1997 that some Beryl features would be present in late-model Tantal rifles.

The Beryl-A really does look just like a Tantal with a different stock.

So I am thinking that a T2K Tantal could have that stock!

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