03 July 2018

Just Once

Just ONCE I want to see someone who works for the government get the charge, trial and sentence they deserve rather than being slapped on the wrist and set free.

The fact that the government is not accountable at all is one of the reasons we're where we are.


  1. I wonder if the Justice League, I mean the Justice Department, actually got decent intel out of the punk for rolling over and caving so easily.

    Or... Were his actions prosecutable under a different set of rules, such as a Military Court.

    Though, of course, one cannot deny complete stupidity and incompetence from an Obama-influenced department. Sigh. Will no one get rid of these troublesome people?

  2. I remember when they wouldn't charge Lon Horiuchi (of Ruby Ridge fame) with anything at all..even involuntary manslaughter. If you or I had done what he did, we'd be sitting in maximum security for the rest of our lives. Or, you being a Floridian, you might be on Death Row. In either case, we'd have about as much chance of parole in this lifetime as I do of heavenly salvation (i.e., none.)

  3. Who did he pay off, or what does he know on who? And why does Wasserman Schultz get a full pass? And lets not even discuss the bank and wire fraud.

    1. There's a theory that the only way he could be avoiding the charges for his obvious malfeasance is if all 40 Democrats whose data he had access to declined to press charges.

      If that's the case, then I think that answers whom he knows things about.


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