28 July 2018

What's That Silly Wrist Strap For Anyway

AKM bayonets have a wrist strap.

Being the person I am, I've even spent a small amount of money getting correct straps for my AKM bayonets which were missing theirs.

But what is it for?

It's placed on the wrong side for retention while using it as a knife.

It's got nothing to do with it being used as a bayonet.

I found a theory online (so it has to be true) that its to keep your hand from slipping when using the bayonet and scabbard as a wire-cutter.

That makes a degree of sense.  A small degree.

What I lack is any documentation from a Pact country about the bayonet's use.  There's a dearth of it because it's always in some Godless Commie Gibberish the native language of the issuing nation.

Does anyone reading have an OEM manual?


There's a collector's book on the topic of Kalashnikov bayonets.  Anyone feel like buying it for me?

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